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31st May 2005

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Jon Wilson Jon Wilson
1st June 2005
04:31:50 PM
Note: Rob went off injured, but we were losing heavily by that point anyway. Mutter mutter...
Andrew Shires Andrew Shires
31st May 2005
03:22:02 PM
Yeah, I thought the picker worked on all-time points, though all-time averages will be similar I guess.

I was really commenting on the form differences.

Jon Wilson Jon Wilson
31st May 2005
03:06:16 PM
It's all moot because Carl has had to bail, but...

Those averages are for 2005. The picker works on all-time averages:

AH 2.6, RB 1.76, GF (hi!) 1.67, JL 1.28, JW 1.28, AG 1.33 = 1.65

NR 1.33, CN 1.57, AS 1.57, JB 1.48, SF 1.42 = 1.474

Still not ideal, but much closer.
Andrew Shires Andrew Shires
31st May 2005
02:05:18 PM
Not to rock the boat but look at the averages on this one:

AH 2.6, RB 1.93, GF (hi!) 1.87 JL 1.00 JW 1.64 AG 1.33 == 1.72


NR 1.33 CN 1.3 AS 1.21 JB 1.19 SF 0.87 == 1.18

Only one player on the team of six has a worse average than the best individual average held by the team of five, who are by definition disadvantaged anyway.

Er ... this is a severe case of the algorithm (total points divided by players yeah?) breaking down, IMO.